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March 01, 2016

Chiropractic care is appropriate for low back pain (1), and that’s not just Rosenberg Wellness Center’s opinion. This comes from published medical research! Chiropractic care helps relieve low back pain as well as related leg pain. Rosenberg Wellness Center offers New York City chiropractic care that is non-surgical, relieving, and gentle to New York City back pain sufferers no matter who they are!

An interesting statistic came in the spine research this week that orthopedic trauma surgeons experience low back pain as the number one work-related musculoskeletal disorder they experience themselves (more than 66% of them). What was the most common disorder? Low back pain (29.3%).  (2) Unfortunately, the report doesn’t share what those surgeons do for their low back pain. (Rosenberg Wellness Center would welcome them right alongside all our other New York City low back pain patients!) Do they go to a fellow surgeon, or do they seek out spinal manipulation as published guidelines recommend?

So, understandably from your New York City chiropractor’s perspective and experience, published guidelines recommend spinal manipulation. The American Pain Society and the American College Of Physicians recommend spinal manipulation as primary care of low back pain. The guidelines further point out that other approaches are not effective (prolotherapy, facet joint injection, intradiscal steroid injection), short-lived (epidural steroid injections), moderately effective for post-surgical back pain (spinal cord stimulator), and beneficial short-term but not long term versus non-surgical care (surgery for herniated disc with radiculopathy).  (3) Rosenberg Wellness Center would hope that surgeons  would feel right at home with all of our other New York City low back pain patients. The relieving New York City chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment at Rosenberg Wellness Center doesn’t discriminate. It is here to help New York City low back pain sufferers.

Then this new consensus study just came out, too. It concludes that the reviewed evidence supports that concept that “doctors of chiropractic are well suited to diagnose, treat, co-manage, and manage the treatment of patients with low back pain disorders”. (1) For us chiropractors who see ourselves as back pain specialists, this is welcome news. Your New York City chiropractor feels up to the task of caring for the low back pain patient, acute or chronic, the leg patient patient, the neck pain patient, the arm pain patient. The chiropractic technique offered at Rosenberg Wellness Center, Cox Technic, is well documented, researched and evidence-based to address all of these issues. Its published results share the relief that patients of all sorts find whether they are post-surgical with continued pain or have chronic low back pain or acute low back pain. New York City chiropractic patients come from all walks of life.

Lastly, another study reveals that chiropractic is beneficial for military folks, too. Chiropractors are being integrated into the military and veteran health care facilities. As they are, it’s found that their collaboration in the care of these patients focuses on reducing morbidity and helping rehabilitate military personnel to full duty status. And the patient satisfaction is high with the chiropractic services. (4) New York City chiropractic patients express their satisfaction with the chiropractic care at Rosenberg Wellness Center everyday,too!

So contact Rosenberg Wellness Center to set up your New York City chiropractic appointment today.